Our Philosphy
Inspired by Wood Working Masters
我們從過去的木匠大師 那裡 啟發了一些知識,他們創造了一些東西。
我們在新北市美麗的樹林市附近 開設了第一家木工坊 。
因此 MùShùlín “木樹林” 的名字由此而來。
經由有影響力的木工愛好者合作,我們 開始從最好的製造商那裡引進木工工具,讓他們嘗試和審查。
例如: 鑿刀、雕刻刀、鋸片、木工夾、磨刀石、銼刀、砂紙、太棒膠、修邊刀 及 木工鑽...

Today we aspire to become the dream place in Taiwan where to easily provide the best and most innovative hardware for woodworking and woodcarving.
To Do this we are asking both the Traditional Local Influencers and the Digital Community of Bloggers, Vloggers and Video Makers to Join Us.
Being Distributor AND a specialized Influencer Marketing Company means that We equally care about Promoting Both Our Partners' Brands AND the visibility of the Active Wood Working Community.
We are arranging an important partnership in the near future with the Taiwanese Crafting Schools to further empower Our Mission.
A fast growing company, MUSHULIN initiative is build upon solid values:
Remember the Roots of Crafting
Make an Honest and REAL Business
Influencers of the Wood Working Community warmly welcome quality Tools and Hardware manufacturers who embraces Our Common values.
MUSHULIN is a Company that is really about its Community.
We are open to every Taiwanese Crafters and Digital Influencers who like what we are doing and wish to share his experience to the Wood Working Community. We invite every Artist, professional woodworker, teacher and his students to cooperate with Us and help Us finding the best tools for Our wood works.
We provide everything for Networking and to set Up any Social Media Channel. Our Showroom is also a common workplace, endowed with professional video making equipment and the best Woodworking Machines and Tools.
The MUSHULIN Team & Members